Sunday, January 31, 2010

And in news from the Stupid Party,

Gingrich tries sucking up to actual conservatives and libertarians. Screw you, Newt, you've shown what you are and we don't want you in office. We damn sure don't want you running for President.

And Sen. Lindsey Grahamnesty(RINO Asshat-SC) wants the Stupid Party to roll over for a climate change bill because 'Congress needs a win.' Has it ever occurred to this bastard that
A: those things didn't pass because the people didn't want them to?
B: a 'victory for Congress' in these matters would mean a win for Congress over the people?
Or is he just such an arrogant asshole politician that he wants to stay in power no matter what? That he thinks he deserves to be there?

RINO hunting. Now. Not for the trophy, to get rid of the vermin.

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