Saturday, January 16, 2010

'Activating fluid' This clown Markey actually said that

in reference to Bill Clinton showing up? Is everyone around Coakley tone-deaf or stupid?
I heard Bill Clinton the other night saying how desperate the situation in Haiti is. Which makes you wonder how he, as "special envoy" to the crippled country, can find the time to abandon the suffering people to go campaign for a hack politician from Massachusetts. No wonder he and Obama roped George W. Bush into the Haiti relief effort. They're too busy stumping for Martha Coakley.

That prize quote is from the bottom of the post. You've got to read the whole thing to get the full flavor of this crap.

From an earlier post at JWF: Obama dithered for months on whether to increase troops in Afghanistan, it took four days of uninterrupted golf before he addressed the Christmas Day attempted plane bombing, but he moves with alacrity to save a Senate seat that should have been in the bag weeks ago.

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