Saturday, December 19, 2009

Why I despise Bill Gates and some other hugely wealthy people

Because he makes speeches like this about why the death tax should be as high as possible, while
From all published accounts, Gates Sr. has it set up to give 90% of his wealth to a few pre-selected charities upon his death. The other 10% would go to individuals.

Now whether that remaining 10% would put any of those individuals over the $7M mark is unknown to me, but if he truly thought that giving the government 45% of the wealth you acquired throughout your life via the Death Tax, why would he have would he have his fortune split up like that?

Because he's one more fucking hypocrite like the late Swimmer Kennedy who thinks YOU should have to pay the death tax while HE'S busy hiding the money away in ways and places to keep it from being so taxed.


  1. Keith3:27 PM

    Firehand, a couple of podcasts you might enjoy Rumpole and the war on terror:


  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Blomstrom, I have no problem with capitalism; I do have a problem with clowns like Gates using it.

    And I have a big damn problem with people who support miserable little tyrants like Chavez and his commie friends; that's why your comment was removed.

  4. Let me rephrase that: how people like Gates using it to get rich, and then playing socialist games with politicians to rob other people of what they worked for.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Let's see, jailing political opponents... shutting down opposition(defined as 'anyone who doesn't praise me and my actions') media... praising Castro & Co.... constant 'evil capitalism' bullshit... trying to spread his 'Revolution of the Pipples[/Hamilton Zorro] to surrounding countries... yeah, he's a commie tyrant. So screw you.

    Oh, and Obama is a socialist, so far as I can tell; not sure if a full-out communist but definitely a socialist who's sucked up bullcrap at the feet of socialists and commies most of his life. And no, I'm not fond of him either. So screw you twice. Hell, if you like Chavez you ought to LOVE Obama.


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