Monday, December 14, 2009

Two last things this evening, one AGW and the other Jew-hatred

For the first, from Canada Free Press,
"Charles Dickens wrote, “I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don’t trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance, any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it.”

The criminals at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) in England brazenly defend the indefensible. It is stunning to watch Michael Mann and Gavin Schmidt, who even look alike, staring directly at the camera and denying the significance of their emails.

It works because they used it to deceive the world. They know most won’t understand the emails. The Associate Press (AP) has already confirmed this.

As with Revkin at the New York Times the journalist Seth Borenstein of AP has no journalistic integrity. Here is his email to the gang. On July 23, 2009 he wrote, “Kevin, Gavin, Mike, It’s Seth again. Attached is a paper in JGR today that Marc Morano is hyping wildly. It’s in a legit journal. Watchya think?” “Again” means there is previous communication. A journalist talking to scientists is legitimate, but like the email’s tone and subjective comments are telling. "
You bet your ass they are.

On the second matter,
On December 4 I wrote an editorial for Pajamas Media about the scurrilous Channel Four television documentary presented by British conservative commentator Peter Oborne exposing the “power” of the Anglo-Jewish lobby.

Now I would like to turn to some items following on that story.

No sooner had the program aired than the Jew-avoidance champion Richard Ingrams wrote in his Independent column that it was about time somebody stood up to the Zionists. Then on November 28 he hit the jackpot with a real doozy: he accused former Bush advisers Doug Feith, Richard Perle, and Paul Wolfowitz (he who liveth with a Libyan lady) of being ardent Zionists who are “more concerned with preserving the security of Israel than that of the U.S.” Let’s stop and look at that for a moment: he is saying that the triumvirate of Jewish neocons was subverting the security of the United States. Isn’t that an offense punishable by life behind bars? Would Mr. Ingrams like to let us know exactly how Messrs. Feith, Wolfowitz, and Perle were ignoring the security of the American people in favor of the Israelis?
And it goes on from there. Downward.

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