Thursday, December 31, 2009

The sun's shining, the birds have emptied the feeder, and Houston PD says

nothing to worry about:
A woman called police on Monday and said a man was forcing his way into her apartment in the 5300 block of Elm Street.

When officers went inside, they found something that made them concerned enough to call the bomb squad.

They found an AT-4 shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. It can shoot a missile nearly 1,000 feet through buildings and tanks.
According to court documents, officers also found Jihadist writings that allegedly belonged to Yansane. The woman didn't want to talk to KPRC Local 2 about that, either
Very likely it was an expended launcher; even then, in connection with 'jihadist writings' it's not a nice thing to find. Although you do then run into "What do they mean by 'jihadist'?"

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