Saturday, December 12, 2009

Spoiled brats and leftists:

often the same people.
Police ended the occupation of the campus's Wheeler Hall earlier Friday. They arrested 65 people inside on misdemeanor trespassing charges, including about 24 who were not students, Mogulof said. One person was arrested outside the hall on suspicion of inciting.

He said the university decided to clear the building after protesters began breaking into locked classrooms and publicizing an all-night hip-hop party Friday.

The Wheeler Hall protesters were cited and released at the university's request, but those at the chancellor's home "will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law," Birgeneau said
Let's see, California is broke largely because clowns like these expected other people to pay for everything; now fees and tuition are going up and you protest. Tough crap, people.

Oh, and what was that about the chancellor's home?
Eight people were under arrest Saturday after protesters broke windows, lights and planters outside the home of the chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley.

University spokesman Dan Mogulof said 40 to 70 protesters also threw incendiary devices at police cars and the home of Chancellor Robert Birgeneau about 11 p.m. Friday. There were no fires or injuries.

The protest at the chancellor's home came late the same day that police arrested 66 protesters at a campus classroom building that was partially taken over for four days
Protest m oving up to property damage moving up to riot and arson; yeah, does sound like a bunch of leftists, doesn't it?

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