Thursday, December 24, 2009

So we're supposed to be lenient to the terrorists;

yeah, THAT'S a good idea.
“Charging them and throwing them in jail is not the solution,” said Nihad Awad, national head of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which approached the FBI on behalf of the families. “The government has to show some appreciation for the actions of the parents and the community. That will encourage other families to come forward.”
Bull Shit. I am sick to death of these clowns demanding we be 'understanding' and 'consider the community' when some dirtbags like these are captured.

And by the way,
Nawar Shora, legal director for the American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee — who, with a representative from a Muslim group presented the award to Persichini — said the Arab and Muslim communities will accept any charges against the men arrested in Pakistan as long as they are treated fairly.

Yet he indicated that tensions could flare, depending how the government approaches a case. “If the FBI and the prosecutors say these were five Muslims and they were trying to commit jihad, and they throw out all of these incendiary religious terms, that’s different,” Shora said
Fuck you, Shora. They are muslims, they are terrorists and it doesn't matter if you 'accept' the charges or not. Odd thing about the law here: it's supposed to disregard your feelings and 'acceptance' of the charges and go by the facts. So screw you.

1 comment:

  1. Windy Wilson12:04 PM

    In the inner city, the general population has bad feelings about the police and the arrest and punishment of those who we as outsiders see as perpetrators of crimes. Certainly these perpetrators do not accept the charges, and many of the people who love them do not, either.
    I guess the difference is they are nominally Christian, and the Left can only respect those who can and will kill them for disrespect.
    As Major Crown said in "The Devil's Brigade", "God save us all!"


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