Monday, December 07, 2009

In local news, it looks like if you vote for the new MAPS tax,

you're going to get screwed. Twice.
As predicted FOLKS. The COUNTY is coming after Oklahoma City RESIDENTS for 400 million MORE dollars to fund the boondoggle that is the county JAILS.


So when you vote for MAPS….which raises the sales tax a penny…be ready to raise it another penny for the county
If you read the rest, I think you'd agree with Shannon being opinionated on this. Well, so am I. There's been enough evasion(like the mayor saying someone 'needs to be called out' and then flatly refusing to debate) over this to bring the odor level to 'high'. At the least. And there are so damn many connections between people pushing for this and people who'll make money from it...

If it's too icy to drive in the morning, I can probably walk; my polling place isn't too far away.


  1. --- In local news, it looks like if you vote for the new MAPS tax, you're going to get screwed.   Twice. ---

    Forgive my ignorance?   What does the acronym 'MAPS' stand for?

  2. Short for 'Metro Area Projects'. There was one, originally, to improve schools, the second for some civic improvements. The .01 tax is about to expire, and the mayor and a bunch of interestingly-connected people want to extend it for a bunch of projects.

    Basically, wanting 3/4 billion dollars over the next few years for projects we can't afford. Especially with the economy as it is.

  3.      'There was one, originally, to improve schools, the second for some civic improvements...

    Ahhhh, that's how the pols always do this things (more/higher taxes, more gun laws, etc.)   Veiled incrementalism.   But the fact that the pols just keep pushing these expensive programs with the economy the way it is.   Truly OUTRAGEOUS.

  4. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Screwed twice? I guess the first one doesn't count.


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