Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good news and bad: the good is that LtCol Chessani found not guilty of misconduct;

bad is that Chessani must now retire because he displayed “substandard performance” by failing to conduct a more detailed investigation of the civilians killed as a result of the house clearing actions of four Marines after they were ambushed in Haditha, Iraq on November 19, 2005.
Got that? He 'failed to conduct a more detailed investigation'. Slight problems with that:
Not one of LtCol Chessni’s superiors ─ including top generals ─ who received his report of dead civilians considered such deaths unusual. Not one ordered a further investigation. Instead, they commended him for a job well done. In fact, LtCol Chessani’s immediate superior told him that no investigation was needed because it was a bona fide combat action – consistent with the orders in effect at the time: no investigation of civilian deaths related to combat action. That order was changed in April, 2006, well after the Haditha incident.

LtCol Chessani’s commanding general, Major General Huck, reported up the chain of command, “I support our account and do not see the necessity for further investigation.” This same commanding General was allowed to retire without going to a Board of Inquiry, and he was allowed to retire as a Major General.

Consequently, not one of LtCol Chessani’s superiors faced, nor will they ever face, a court-martial or a Board of Inquiry for their actions in relation to November 19, 2005
First thought: "We can't convict you of the actual charges, but we WILL convict you of SOMETHING!" WHich is absolute bullshit. It's a bunch of clowns determined to have SOME kind of conviction after they tried to hang a bunch of people, from the look of it in order to make a bunch of anti-military politicians happy.

By the way, anybody planning to hold their breath until that miserable scab on the ass of humanity Murtha finds the balls and integrity to apologize to these troops?

Me neither.

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