Wednesday, December 09, 2009

'Does Obama have it in for Britain?'

I'd say yes. What they have to remember is
He wants the UN running the whole world, preferably with himself in charge.
The US having an ally in Britain means A: independent nations and B: independent nations working together without being under UN control; neither of which fits into the world he wants.

Add to that the personal grudge he shows against Britain, and the answer is 'Yes'. What makes this funny- in the only way it can be- is you've got one socialist peeing all over another, and Brown's finding he doesn't like it. And it rather causes him some problems.


  1. "He wants the UN running the whole world, preferably with himself in charge."

    More likely with George Soros in charge.

  2. I think he plans himself, with Soros as chief advisor.

    Boy, would he be in for a surprise...


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