Saturday, November 07, 2009

You know, every time I think of the FBI saying

they never opened an 'official investigation' of the murdering scumbag, it pisses me off even more.

Over at Advice Goddess, in the comments to this post you have variations on this one:
So you really think it's a good idea for the government to surveill individual political speech and open formal investigations based on the content of that speech?
Which overlooks a very important point: He's a serving officer in the United States Military, not just some guy spouting off. When you put on that uniform and take that oath, you know damned well that things you might say as a civilian with no harm WILL have an effect on your career. And the Army and the FBI fell flat on this because there are two very good reasons for a formal investigation to have been made:
First, if he actually held these views, it very much affected his ability to serve, and affected every troop he had power over, and
Second, if he did not say them, and if he was not the author of the posts, he needed to be cleared of the suspicion.
But they didn't properly investigate, and no proper action was taken, and it's likely all these people are dead and wounded because of it. I'm with Peters, heads should roll. They'd better.

And for those PC-obsessed officers and gummint weenies who'll play the "We mustn't be nasty to muslims" card, guess what? If this guy had been investigated and dealt with, there might have been a news story and some bitching, but that'd have been it; NOW you have the fallout of a muslim left in a place he shouldn't have been because you effed up and people are dead. You actually think this is better?

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