Thursday, November 26, 2009

The more I think about this idiocy, the madder I get

First at Nanny Bloomberg for the idiocy coming about in the first place(Hey, NYEffin'C, hope you're happy); second is the fucking moron who doesn't say "Screw the law" and give the food to the hungry.

Mr. Bastile, you're the fucking moron referred to; I truly hope you read this. And Bloomberg, you deserve to be dragged from that office and treated to tar and feathers.

Added: I just keep getting more pissed. They've got hungry people asking for food, and they threw chicken away? Because of fucking TRANS-FATS? "Yes, I know you're starving, but Nanny Bloomberg doesn't allow food with trans-fats so you'll have to wait until something he approves of comes along.

What's that? Oh, he's stuffing on steak and shrimp or something. You don't expect him to live by the rules Nanny sets for everyone else, do you?"

Damn you, Bloomberg. And damn you Bastile, and any other de-balled little clown who'd throw away food because it's not 'healthy' enough.

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