Wednesday, November 04, 2009

To start with, I guess you could call this

'trolling'. Technically.

And Chris talks about Finland and Finns. That the proper name would be Suomi, among other things, and as a reference to the Winter War and the general dumbness of starting a fight with them he has this(which I posted once before, but it's worth another):

There's a bill in Canada to dump the worthless(and hugely expensive) long gun registry; take note of this:
There are a lot of anti-C-391 pieces appearing in the media this morning, some of it making flagrantly untruthful claims such as that C-391 is going to dismantle the licensing system or that if it passes the police will have no way to tell whether somebody owns a gun.
Yep, it's an international standard: the hoplophobes lie.(personal thought: it's nobody's damned business, cops included, if I own a gun. Or two)

The People's Republic of MA; wonderful frikkin' place, isn't it?

Yes, the brave artistic types in Hollywood; the courage just overflows, doesn't it?(kind of like Yale University...)

I've got some stuff to clean up and put away; son & new daughter-in-law are on leave and coming up tomorrow. Be nice while I'm away.

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