Monday, November 30, 2009

Tied up the last couple of days,

visiting family and such. Just heard about the multiple cop murders yesterday afternoon, and haven't had time to check on it as yet.

So the Joyce Foundation works with Hollyweenies to screw with honest people who own/work on/use/buy or sell/make guns. With examples. Probably because a lot of the Hollyweenies are too effing stupid to come up with something all by their lonesomes.

More bullcrap on the Tiahrt Amendment(can't actually blame the EffingBI for not doing their job, now can we?) from, among others, Nanny "Better people go hungry than eat trans-fats!" Bloomberg.

The EffingBI wants to spend large amounts of other peoples' money to buy suppressed 20mm rifles. And yes, I'd like to know why, too?

So Jim Ryan is another "I support the 2nd, BUT" dirtbag politicians. Illinois, you people need to clean house. Bad. And spray for the infestation.

AG Holder proves once again that he's really troubled by those messy "You can't do that" stuff in the Constitution. Because he's a sorry little statist who wants to run your life. Into the ground.

Was this assault merely a flare up of tempers during a heated exchange of rival political camps? Or was it a coordinated attempt to silence the scores of protesters who had been so effective at swaying public opinion against the President’s health care scheme? Today, Big Government will bring to light documents that read like an instruction manual for the SEIU forces in St. Louis the evening of August 6th. We will also show that on the very same evening of the St. Louis assault, an almost identical scene played out in Tampa Bay, Florida. Also involving SEIU and OFA. Also resulting in hordes of union members shouting down and physically evicting protesters from a U.S. Representative’s Town hall meeting. Finally, we will introduce all of the various players in leadership roles at these organizations, what they said in instructing their members in how to fight back against the Town hall protesters, and how these individuals all connect to each other and to the Obama Administration. As I said, we’ve been waiting for the “Real” journalists to do this, we’ve waited long enough.
Well, combine this with dirtbag level prosecutors, and there's another fumigation job needed.

Let's see, burning fossil fuels is baking the planet, but Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, flew 443,243 miles in a 19 month period while speaking against global warming. Sort of like Algore using how much energy per month? In one of his mansions?

These words do not mean that I think anthropogenic climate change is a hoax. On the contrary, it is a question which we have to be very well aware of. But I am also aware that in this thick atmosphere -and I am not speaking of greenhouse gases now- editors, reviewers and authors of alternative studies, analysis, interpretations,even based on the same data we have at our disposal, have been bullied and subtly blackmailed. In this atmosphere, Ph D students are often tempted to tweak their data so as to fit the 'politically correct picture'. Some, or many issues, about climate change are still not well known. Policy makers should be aware of the attempts to hide these uncertainties under a unified picture. I had the 'pleasure' to experience all this in my area of research.

I need to eat. And figure out what I need to buy tomorrow before the next front comes in(20's & 40's the rest of the week it looks like). Bye.

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