Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Speaking of crapweasels, in this case media variety,

From Founding Bloggers,
A few minutes ago, we received the following comment attacking Glenn Reynolds for his observation that “every promise has an expiration date” (Emphasis added in red):
Sometimes when we receive a comment or email that contains a personal attack, or unwarranted vulgarity, we run the IP address of the commenter to see where the comment might be coming from.
Imagine our surprise when the IP address for the above comment (IP: resolved to the New York Times!

and from Dan Riehl,
Following up on an Instapundit item about the NY Times telling him to STFU in blog comments elsewhere, I put the IP into my own comment search feature. That IP has been here with the name franglosaxon.

Founding bloggers wasn't opening for a bit but you can get the meat of the post here if Founding Bloggers is still over-loaded. It might be fine, now.

Courtesy of Franglosaxon, who tracks to the same IP and seems to have made some truly outlandish comments elsewhere.
Hmmm, sneaky crap from the NYEffin'Times, whoda thunk it?

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