Monday, November 23, 2009

Some on the outcome in Honduras,

which I missed a while back, from Sailor Curt.
What this post is about is the classic 6 year old response from Zelaya, the Kindergarten-level wanna-be dictator: "'re not gonna give me what I want, but I don't want it any more anyway, so I win! Nya!":

Deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya said on Saturday he would refuse to return to the presidency as part of any deal to end the crisis sparked by his ouster, saying that to do so would legitimize a June coup.

I hate to break the news to him, but I don't think this declaration is going to break anyone's heart...especially since there wasn't a snowball's chance in Hades that he was going to be offered a return to the Presidency anyway.

Obama's got his out. You handed it to him on a silver platter when you signed that agreement. You've been had. Swindled. Bamboozled. How's the underside of that Obama bus look? Say "hi" to Reverend Wright, Van Jones, Anita Dunn, etc etc etc, while you're there enjoying the view.

It should also be noted that Brazil, having tried to help Zelaya take over the Honduran government, also invited the slimy little scumbag Ahmadogcrap to visit. And a lot of people aren't too happy about it.

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