Saturday, November 07, 2009

Please note the sympathetic words of a member of the mosque outside Fort Hood:

Duane : I'm not going to condemn him for what he did. I don't know why he did it. I will not, absolutely not, condemn him for what he had done though. If he had done it for selfish reasons I still will not condemn him. He's my brother in the end. I will never condemn him.

Gavin Lee : There might be a lot of people shocked to hear you say that.

Duane: Well, that's the way it is. I don't speak for the community here but me personally I will not condemn him.

Gavin Lee : What are your thoughts towards those that were victims in this?

Duane : They were, in the end, they were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them. It's just like the majority of the people that will hear this, after five or six minutes they'll be shocked, after that they'll forget about them and go on their day.
No, Duane, you traitorous piece of hog feces, we will not forget about them. And we damned well will not forget about you, either.

We see that you've got your talking points down: the troops murdered and wounded weren't 'believers', so they don't count, you hate Christians and Jews and anybody else not a muslim, if any muslims had been among the dead and wounded you'd have considered them traitors for being in the Army, and you think the only reason we're in Afghanistan and Iraq is to kill muslims; yeah, al Jazeera will be real proud of you, you offspring of a syphilitic whore and a distempered dog.

Yes, I'm sounding downright pissy toward the religion of submission today; I'm sick of the claims of victimhood, I'm sick of the excuses for murder and rape and abuse. You read something like this at Crittenden:
Officials at the Worcester Islamic Center, where Mehanna taught, said yesterday in a statement they are in a “state of shock” over the allegations. “We are confident that the truth of these matters will surface in due course,” they added.

And the accusations that Mehanna was hell-bent on gunning for mall shoppers in a random ambush left Muslims reeling.

“As Muslims, we condemn the planning or committing of any acts of violence or terrorism,” Kaleem added. “We are particularly appalled by the prospect of random violence against our families, our friends and our neighbors in public areas.”

Thank you, Bilal Kaleem. I like a concerned American who isn’t afraid to speak out. I assume you know there are countries were you would put your life in danger, saying things like that
And yes, thank you Bilal Kaleem, and every other American muslim who actually gives a damn about being an American, and living in a free society. Problem is, we're expected to believe that NOBODY at the mosque, NOBODY in the muslim community Mehanna was a part of knew anything about this? After the cases where somebody has been caught planning mass murder and the mosque and community insisted it was all faked, no truth to it, none of them went to the cops with a warning? Thing is, we know there are far too many in the mosques and communities who may not personally approve of such, but won't raise a damn finger to stop it. And we cannot ignore it. Just like we cannot ignore the members like the porcine-loving Duane who make it plain that they hate anyone not muslim.

I've got a headache, and I'm pissed, and I'm tired, physically and mentally. And really, really sick of our PC-at-any-cost media and politicians and these traitors in our midst.

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