Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's just a wonderful day for news of idiot/crooked/dirtbag politicians

Sen. Reid's(Evil Party Slimy-NV) 'health care reform' bill is BIGGER than the monstrosity Pelosi shoved through. And contains lots of tax increases, and penalties and fines if you don't do what you're told. And Reid's full of shit when he claims 'savings' in this mess. And, just to top it off, it's 2,074 pages and senators will have 3 friggin' days to supposedly read and understand this pile of crap before voting on it.

Attorney General Holder is a fool. And I have to consider him as deliberately acting for the harm of this country. Did he actually think there'd be no real questions of him on this? Or did he think the magical Aura of Obama would protect him?

It would be really nice if Jimmy Carter would just shut the hell up and go away.

Opinions, people: when the "He's so SMART!!!" Obama made this statement:
...“I don't think it will be offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him,” Obama told NBC’s Chuck Todd...
was he
A: Just too damn stupid to realize the consequences of what he was saying,
B: TRYING to screw with the coming show trial,
C: Trying to show what a tough guy he is without considering just what the hell he was saying,
D: some combination of the above?
We've got a idiot AG who's already said that even if Khalid is acquitted he won't be released, now we've got the President saying this... Makes you wonder about this:
The next question is if the Obama administration has intentionally setup a show trial for one man with a predetermined outcome and penalty, they've just proven they're OK with the notion of rigging civilian trials.

That is a pretty chilling revelation
And wouldn't surprise me; socialists and communists have a long tradition of rigging trials.

Anyone else notice Obama has a habit of saying I, like in his speeches, when speaking of good things but uses WE when speaking of bad things?

'Everything is better since I was elected but WE need to stop spending so much money."

"My administration will save us from the depths of despair but WE need to do more."Who the hell signs the checks anyway? Hello?
Reminds me of when I'd get a phone call: "Do you know what YOUR son did?"

Speaking of our integrity-impaired AG...

And last for now, that miserable little traitor Lynne Stewart is actually, finally going to jail. And for a lot longer than she planned on.

See you later, I've got a carbon footprint to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. Opinions, people: when the "He's so SMART!!!" Obama made this statement:
    ...“I don't think it will be offensive at all when he's convicted and when the death penalty is applied to him,” Obama told NBC’s Chuck Todd...
    was he

    A.  B. C.  ....

    I'm going to have to go with the hidden 'E: ALL OF ABOVE' choice.   That will assure and maximize the cluster-f^ck factor in this upcoming KSM trial.


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