Thursday, November 05, 2009

If you haven't heard about the Fort Hood murders,

here's some places with info:
This Ain't Hell
I just linked to TAH main because you really ought to scroll down and see what the parasites and 'journalists' are doing with this.

The parasites:
Doug Zachary is another one of those Vietnam Veterans Against the War who never went to Vietnam - he got booted from the Marines for being a derelict. Now he’s an IVAW straphanger - he hangs out where he smells money. Here’s the email he sent out to friends to raise money for “Under the Hood Cafe”, the anti-war coffee house in Killeeen, TX outside the Fort Hood gate;
and the 'journalists':
Despite all the evidence this guy never deployed and was in fact a mental health professional, CNN is gamely driving on by interviewing a psychiatrist about the mental health issues faced by returning veterans.

HEY SHITDICKS- look at the actual shooter and stop maligning my brothers and sisters in arms who served overseas
and remember that part about 'mental health professional', because
“I’m very upset. I’m at the point of tears,” said Paul Sullivan, executive director of Veterans for Common Sense, who lives in Austin.

“We warned the military about this. We warned the military about the need to increase the number of mental health care providers. We warned the military about lowering recruiting standards, about the medical exams for soldiers coming back from the war and needing mental health care and brain injury exams.”

I guess they're taking a page from Rahm, can't let a crisis go to waste.

And since we're sure to be told it's a 'tragedy' and so forth, let's take note of this from Driscoll:
Hunt said his son told him he loaded up many of the wounded and drove them to the hospital. The wounded relayed what they saw inside when the shooting happened.

“They were telling him that one guy was shouting something in Arabic while he was shooting,” Tom Hunt said. “He couldn’t say much more than that.”

Update: Shepard Smith of Fox News interviews a former colleague of Hasan at the psych ward at Fort Hood who claims Hasan made statements along the lines of “Maybe the Muslims could stand up and fight against the aggressor”, as the person who uploaded the clip to YouTube notes:
And, if this is true, there should be heads rolling:
Federal law enforcement officials say the suspected Fort Hood, Texas, shooter had come to their attention at least six months ago because of Internet postings that discussed suicide bombings and other threats.The officials say the postings appeared to have been made by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who was killed during the shooting incident that left least 11 others dead and 31 wounded. The officials say they are still trying to confirm that he was the author. They say an official investigation was not opened.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the case.

One of the Web postings that authorities reviewed is a blog that equates suicide bombers with a soldier throwing himself on a grenade to save the lives of his comrades

Number one, anybody who calls this a 'tragedy' should be kicked in the nuts; this was a mass murder, committed by a follower of the Religion of Submission('Peace' my ass); this was an atrocity, a terrorist attack. And I want a really good answer why there was no official investigation opened; bullshit excuses need not apply.

Also need not apply, the FBI & Co. announcing that "He had no known links to ( ), so it was not considered a terrorist attack."

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