Friday, November 20, 2009

If I'm not mistaken, haven't the socialize medicine weenies held out military

hospitals and such as evidence of how wonderful it'll be?

One of Hasan’s commanding officers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Lieutenant Colonel Melanie Guerrero, told investigators she had considered failing him as an intern but “decided to allow him to pass since he was going into psychiatry and would not be doing any real patient care.”

Just consider that for a second. OK.

Guerrero told ABC News his performance problems stemmed from his lack of competence in the intensive care unit, including problems with recommending the proper medications or coming up with the right kind of patient treatment plan.

Words fail me. And LtC Guerrero needs her ass demoted to something useful, like Murtha detail at a FOB somewhere.


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This story is so far from accurate it is not worth publishing a comment.

  2. Ah, noble anony, unable to state facts but hell on wheels making snotty comments.

  3. Words fail me. And LtC Guerrero needs her ass demoted to something useful, like Murtha detail at a FOB somewhere.
    The way things are going these daz, she'll probably get a promotion(?)!  

    But great comic link for explanation of 'Murtha detail'.   Murtha = Sh!t   Sounds right to me.

  4. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Interns are trainees, and have NO clinical experience. Psychiatry Interns OBSERVE in an ICU for a 1 month rotation. There is no "command" relationship between interns and house staff. The quoted military ranks are about a decade different from the time of the story. "Cut and paste" journalism is like spreading manure. Speaking in Olde English doesn't make you sound smart, just weird.

  5. Let us remember something: he was a serving officer, which means there damn well IS a command relationship, as well as the usual medical.

    And I take it you're agreeing that 'he wouldn't be doing any real patient care', and that's an excuse. Well bullshit; he would be a PSYCHIATRIST, a medical doctor who TREATS PATIENTS. Just because he wouldn't be using a scalpel doesn't make that any less so.


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