Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I haven't written anything about the idiotic decision to try

the people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as if they were plain old criminals. Partly because I'm so pissed: part of me still expects these clowns in DC to act like the give a damn about the U.S. and it's very, ah, let's use 'upsetting' to be slapped in the face with what amounts to "We don't", or "We're so smart we really don't know what we're doing", or- just maybe- "What better way to damage the system so we have an excuse to screw it around to our liking?"

There's a good piece(there's a lot around, but I'll use this one) here, which includes
Nothing good will come of this trial.

If it is conducted outside the bounds of normal civil law, it will be nothing but a corrupt show trial whose outcome was preordained by politicians. Instead of showing the world that America is a land of laws in which even our enemies receive fair treatment, it will show the world the opposite.

If it is conducted within the bounds of normal civil law, then it will force the courts to choose between letting a mass murdering terrorist walk free and setting dangerous legal precedents that will undermine the basic civil rights of all Americans.

Obama has unleashed something in America far, far more dangerous than any excesses Bush might have committed. He has taken all the horrible compromises we must make in war and driven them into the heart of the civil legal system. If the courts do not set Khalid Sheikh Mohammed free, the cancer of martial law will metastasize into the entire justice system

I have to wonder if this isn't part of the plan. Obama appointed an AG who has a soft spot for terrorists, and himself seems to be awfully sympathetic to those who attack this country, and they've shown a contempt for the history and traditions and law; he may have intended all along to do this. Not only to give the people who attacked us, and fought our troops, a way out of a military tribunal, but to whack at our ability to fight them. And, I think, to go after Bush and his appointees; one thing we've found is that Obama is a nasty little backstabber.*. And the intelligence people. He's given the terrorists a chance to subpoena all kinds of people and put them under oath, to subpoena all kinds of records, and the only reason to do that is to A: damage the system and B: attack people who don't think the 'right' way. Which pretty much means those who want to defeat the enemy, who want to WIN the war that Obama doesn't even want to call a war.

Yeah, that Hopey!Changey!! is working out real well, isn't it?

*Remember his attacks on the intelligence people, then having to run over to the CIA and try to assure the people there- who were ready to get the hell out, or else do nothing- that he wasn't really intending to go after them for doing their job(those who actually did)? Think they believed him?

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