Sunday, November 01, 2009

I guess Obama's so busy trying to help keep that sleaze Corzine in office

it's no wonder it may take a few weeks more for him to make up his damn mind:
President Barack Obama is still weeks away from deciding whether to send more troops to Afghanistan, the White House said Sunday amid pressure from lawmakers to settle on a war strategy despite muddled politics and concerns of corruption in Kabul.

Top White House advisers said Obama's painstaking review, ongoing since early September, would not be hampered by Sunday's announcement from the top challenger in the Afghan presidential runoff election that he would withdraw from a race he was likely to lose.

"I expect the president will make a decision within weeks," senior Obama adviser David Axelrod said. "As you know, he has gone through a very rigorous process because the goal here is not just to make an arithmetic judgment about the number of troops, but to make sure that we have the right strategy."

'Rigorous process', huh? And it's still going to take weeks longer?

Yeah, that Hopey!Changey! is working out real well, isn't it?

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