Sunday, November 15, 2009

I go away for the weekend and the bastard does it

again. I was off at the big Tulsa Gun Show with Dad; lots of shooty goodness and some real reminders of what the economy is like: fewer people- especially today- and lots less business done. At about noon, where it was real busy in previous years, many fewer people around, and a number of dealers saying sales were way down.

And when I get home, check mail & such, and find this crap: Obama found another member of foreign royalty to bow down to.

Dammit, it makes me wish I'd bought ammo. A LOT of it. We may need it at this rate when some bozos decides that since the President is such a subservient wuss that he won't mind all that much if they attack us.

By the way, Mr. President,
"The Chinese internet has been flooded with pages and pictures praising Obama and comparing him to Mao Zedong."
It may be a surprise to you, but being compared happily to the worst mass-murderer in world history is NOT a friggin' compliment. Unless, of course, you LIKE said slimeball.

Oh, for God's sake- I was about to publish when found this. Our freaking PRESIDENT apparently still can't bring himself to behave properly.

Shit. I guess he's too busy trying to figure how to betray the troops in Afghanistan and the US in general to be bothered with such things. After all, why salute a nation he doesn't like?

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