Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I don't think the standard "So that's why we didn't catch it"

are going to work.
A senior government official tells ABC News that investigators have found that alleged Fort Hood shooter Nidal Malik Hasan had "more unexplained connections to people being tracked by the FBI" than just radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki. The official declined to name the individuals but Congressional sources said their names and countries of origin were likely to emerge soon.

Questions already surround Major Hasan's contact with Awlaki, a radical cleric based in Yemen whom authorities consider a recruiter for al Qaeda. U.S. officials now confirm Hasan sent as many as 20 e-mails to Awlaki. Authorities intercepted the e-mails but later deemed them innocent or protected by the first amendment
Throwing out the magic words 'First Amendment' doesn't cut it; he was a serving military officer making contact with an al Qaeda recruiter. THAT should have had the red flag waving and maybe a flare going off. Instead,
The FBI said it turned over the information to the Army, but Defense Department officials today denied that. One military investigator on a joint terror task force with the FBI was shown the e-mails, but they were never forwarded in a formal way to more senior officials at the Pentagon, and the Army did not learn of the contacts until after the shootings.
Ah, yes. They were 'shown', but the 'formalities' weren't taken care of, so... And we're supposed to TRUST these clowns?

Meanwhile, in a true G-Man effort to look like they're doing something,
In Texas, an hour before a memorial service for the Fort Hood victims, four FBI agents showed up at the Killeen mosque where Hasan prayed and searched a trash bin outside. The mosque president was clearly upset when he had to return from traveling to the service to sign a document handed to him by agents, apparently authorizing the search.

The FBI would not comment on what the agents were looking for at the mosque a full five days after the shooting, but motivation remains the focus
And, of course, the Outrage Is Flowing:
"We're concerned any time a house of worship is searched in this fashion," said Ibrahim Hooper, national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights group. "And we would follow up to see if there was probable cause for the search and if it was carried out in the appropriate and legal manner."
First off, Hooper, if I recall correctly it's been long settled that what you throw in the trash the police can dig through without a warrant; that's been covered in many cases in the past. So your 'concerns' you can shove up your ass, you're just as subject to that as anyone else.
Second, 'apparently' authorizing the search? In other words "We can search the trash without their permission, but while we'd do that to anyone else, for a mosque we need something signed giving 'permission' ." Or so it seems to me. I may be wrong, but right now I'm not willing to give these people ANY benefit of the doubt.

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