Sunday, November 29, 2009

I don’t believe that journalistic objectivity is a fraud.

I was a journalist for a time, at a once-great, now-diminished newsmagazine. I’ve seen good men and women work according to a set of professional standards I respect — standards that serve the public. Professional journalism is not like the buggy-whip industry, outdated by economic progress, to be mourned but not missed. This profession has a social value that is currently not reflected in its market value.

What profession could he possibly be talking about? Certainly not the same profession who set out to destroy Clarence Thomas, circled the wagons to save President Clinton, summoned all their resources to lose the war in Iraq, told us more about the background of an unemployed plumber than our current President, dragged Sarah Palin’s family through the mud, and on this very day refuse to investigate three of the biggest stories of the year (if not the decade): ACORN, CzarGate and ClimateGate.

And yet in the face of all this, Gerson writes of we bloggers:

And the whole system is based on a kind of intellectual theft. Internet aggregators (who link to news they don’t produce) and bloggers would have little to collect or comment upon without the costly enterprise of newsgathering and investigative reporting. The old-media dinosaurs remain the basis for the entire media food chain.

Foul on the play. That might have been true a few years ago, but since the whole of the MSM put their blinders on and jumped in the tank for President Bows-A –Lot, it’s been the MSM following the lead of the Internet and cable news. Time and again, like Sergeant “I know nothing!” Schultz, they’ve been caught off guard and found guilty of their own kind of “intellectual theft” as they grudgingly report on Dan Rather’s forged documents, Van Jones’ resignation, the Tea Party movement, and the latest ACORN developments.

The shift towards online investigative journalism has only begun and look at the impact already. And maybe, just maybe, had our ink-stained dinosaurs picked up on and owned these stories they might have, I don’t know, sold more ink?


  1. Keith9:11 AM

    Firehand, I want to thank you first before ranting about the MSM.

    You have an ability to see through the shite. I'm actually quite disappointed with some of the gunny blogs for not lending space to publicising climaquidick - I'nm not complaining about guys who maybe post once a month as a busy schedule allows, these are guys who post daily, still, if they think they'll still be able to get carbon ration coupons to get to gun blogger rendezvous, and range days perhaps they're happy to have the new order come in?

    You are one of the few who has really kept up with this. Thanks!

    Now to bitchin!

    On Climaquiddick, I think that the established media have failed us totally.

    Looks like the BBC were given a priviliged preview of the leak, and they did nothing, Other MSM journalists have refused to report "stolen" info, when their papers have been all to quick to publish leaked info that puts their countrymen's lives at serious risk.

    The running that I have seen on this has been done by Bloggers and their Commentors, picking through the leak, running through the crappy fortran code, finding out just what untidy, poor quality programming had gone on, finding the comments within the code that its' authors had left recording their dismay at the chaotic state of the databases.

    It was also blog commentators who found the "data adjustment" programmes, which adjusted temperatures down pre 1930, then from 1930 began a parabolic curve upwards.

    The MSM cannot blame bloggers for loss of everyday sales, that is down to the £3.2G annual fund the BBC gets, out of which it and others like it run "free" Pravda websites, and down to the lack of news that the MSM contains.

    I don't want to know about Tiger bending his car, I don't want to know what Paris Hilton decorates her house with, or who's in who's pants in Holywood.

    I do want the light shining into the dark places that the cockroaches of state plan a socialist future for us, and it is bloggers not the MSM who do that.

    Perhaps the MSM are sitting on the shares of whoever the modern version of I.G.Faben is going to be?

    Thanks again


  2. Firehand, you might want to make it more clear which stuff is yours, and which was written by someone else.

  3. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Bad news,
    Looks like sip sea street Mike is in Hospital

  4. Jed, that's why I use italics or quotation marks on stuff from others. Maybe need to add something else? I'll think about it.

    Keith, this started out as primarily about forging and general bitching and discussion, turned more to guns and civil rights matters over time. It's still my soapbox, electronic version, and if anything ever needed yelling about it's the vile abuse of the sciences going on in this AGW crap.

    And yeah, it's actually bitterly disappointing to find that our current crop of major media 'journalists' are so damn far in the tank; reason I tend to refer to them as 'sorry excuses for reporters'.


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