Friday, November 27, 2009

Honduras wins,

and the commies and socialists lose. And another one's under the bus[/Queen riff].
By hanging Zelaya out to dry -- leaving him powerless and languishing in the Brazilian Embassy in Tegucigalpa, possibly facing trial for illegally seeking re-election -- the administration saves face in Honduras and ultimately does the right thing. The Honduran Congress will vote on Dec. 2, after the next president has been elected, whether to reinstate Zelaya as a lame duck, and with the election already decided, they won't be under any pressure to do so and reverse their earlier decision.

So all's well that ends well. But even so, as we recently opined, a happy ending is still no excuse for Obama's half-cocked diplomacy, and no number of low bows to Honduras's next president will make up for the damage he has caused there. Again, his legendary inexperience in world matters shows
Hey, Zelaya, you were stupid enough to trust another little socialist like yourself, and this is the price.

I wonder when the striped-pants clowns at the State Department will get around to letting Honduran officials have visas again?

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