Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cool and wet outside; must be some of that faked globular warmering

causing it.

Good thing I don't have a job for the True Believers to go after. 'Course, they're rather busy right now anyway, both going after climate scientists who actually believe in science and defending themselves from possible criminal charges(can you say 'deleting records subject to FOIA requests?)

With the mist and fog I can work inside without feeling guilty about not climbing trees and pruning and such, and concentrate on browsing around onlineresearch. And loading. I've got a whole pile of bullets ready to go, and I need to load some 7.62x54r, 7.5x55 and .30-06 practice loads. Maybe some .380. I need to go through the Immediate-Use Stockpile and see if I'm short of anything else. And need to process all the brass from the other day- both fired and found- so that's out of the way; good day for it. And makes sure I've got shooty goodness for the next range trip.

Just to note, I've tried Berry's, Rainier and X-Treme plated bullets now, and had good results out of all of them. If you've not messed with them they're basically a swaged lead bullet that's copper plated; you can't load as hot as a regular jacketed, but you don't get lead fouling in the bore(unless you really push the velocity; then you can). I've been using the Berry's .32 hollow-base wadcutter for 7.62 Nagant, I've shot a bunch of Berry's and Rainier 200-grain flatnose .45acp, and Dad's used the X-Treme 210-grain flatnose in .41 Mag; not a problem with any of them. Dad prefers the X-Treme for .41 as it has a cannelure; Berry's doesn't, and Rainier doesn't make a .41. Also, if you're looking for bulk buys, Berry's and X-Treme have free shipping above a certain price, and Midway often has 'buy 2000, free shipping' deals, which with the weight of bullets is very good*.

Sen. Harry Reid is going to try to shove through a vote to allow debate on the abortion result he calls a 'health care' bill today. You want to know how bad this crap is?
Ryan Ellis of Americans for Tax Reform notes that the bill contains 18 separate tax increases — one of them targeting parents of disabled children.

“One of them caps the amount that can be deferred in Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) at $2500 per year (a similar provision was included in the Pelosi-Obama health bill),” Ellis notes.

“There is currently no limit to how much can be saved, though all monies must be used by the end of the year. Employers may put a cap in place for their employees, but this would put a cap in federal tax law for the first time. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), 30 million American families use an FSA,” he explained
Reid, you suck. I mean, you really suck; you're a miserable human being. And let's not forget the various other senators pushing this steaming pile on us, including those being bribed like Landrieu, who's apparently willing to be bought with 100 million dollars of other peoples money. Add this to what Coburn revealed the other day, and right now I'd settle for a tiny little meteor that only takes out the Senate(yes, I'd prefer the House too, but right now I'd settle for the one). Oh, and on the bribery and corruption front,
One provision epitomizes the nature of this ploy. According to research firms, unions are woefully short of funds to pay their retirees’ anticipated insurance claims. Thus, under the House resolution, union leaders who have mismanaged these plans for their members could receive up to $10 billion in taxpayer-funded bailout money, innocuously referred to as a “reinsurance program.”

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Under the proposed public option, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius would wield tremendous discretionary authority to regulate participating health care workers. She and various federal panels, where the unions would have guaranteed seats, would take the lead in recommending health care policy. Thus, labor would have considerable influence over decisions affecting most doctors, nurses and patients.
Malkin's got a list of people and groups being bribed.

And over here, we have the bullcrap being spread by SEIU to try to cover up threatening the Boy Scouts and any other volunteers; includes link to the 'misunderstood' audio.

Here's another opinion on the Obama & Holder Show Trial Of The- Damn Near Forever:
Kohl's question is highly pertinent, and Holder simply evaded it. No one is suggesting that failure to win and sustain a conviction is an "option," but it is a contingency for which it is shocking that the administration is, or at least claims to be, unprepared.

Further, Obama's and Holder's assurances that KSM will be convicted (and, according to the president, "put to death") make a mockery of due process. Nothing is more fundamental to America's criminal justice system than the presumption of innocence, and if terrorist detainees are to be treated as criminal defendants, they are entitled to that presumption.

For the sake of political expediency, Obama and Holder are refusing even to make a pretense of respect for due process. If KSM & Co. are convicted and put to death, America's critics and enemies will point to Obama and Holder's assurances in arguing that the defendants were subjected to sham justice. Nice work restoring America's moral standing, Mr. President

I just realized I need bread. And parmesan to make more spiced olive oil. And some onions. Crap, I was hoping to stay in. Oh well, shopping I go.

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