Friday, October 30, 2009

Worst news of all:

supposedly Thomas Shannon has been pressuring the congressmen to vote for the restoration of Zelay or else! The exact words were that “Shannon scared the living hell out of everyone here including Micheletti.” Yeah, remember the press conference? “We’re just here to help. We aren’t going to intervene. We’ll respect any decision that the Hondurans make.” Yeah, right. Now they are even threatening elected Honduran officials that they won’t recognize elections unless they vote yes. I’m sure there must be economic threats as well.

El Heraldo (in Spanish) makes it clear that US State Dept. envoy for Latin America Thomas Shannon went to Honduras to twist arms: his position was that the November 29 elections would not be recognized unless Zelaya was returned to power. I guess nothing ensures democracy like restoring to power the guy who did his outmost to undermine democracy, at least in Shannon’s eyes.

So Obama has shown his true colors, if there were any doubt: he and his striped-pants thugs in the State Department(headed by Hillary Clinton, let us not forget) has forced a communist Chavez thug back into power; he must be so proud, now he can feel like he deserves a real pat on the head from Hugo and Fidel. I'll bet his tail is wagging fast enough to start a small dust devil.

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