Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thanks to the near-ubiquity of inconspicuous digital cameras

and the technological blessing of internet file-sharing sites, Americans are just now coming to realize how commonplace criminal abuse by the police has become -- and how difficult it is to hold an abusive police officer accountable for crimes against innocent people. But this is the square root of the problem we would confront in the event that the UN actually created the global police force the foundation of which is being laid by Noble and his comrades.

Pointed to by War on Guns. You want to see what's meant by 'difficult', look at this story:
Dolton police reportedly resisted turning over 911 tapes, videotapes of the lockup or police reports until they were ordered to release the items by a judge.

The village denied the existence of any 911 tape from a caller complaining that police were beating Smith. But an officer told Smith and the prosecutor as the trial was set to begin that there was a tape.

A judge ordered the tape turned over, but when the tape got there, no 911 call could be found and the officer said he never told the defense attorney and the prosecutor there was a 911 call, the lawsuit says.

Under the extraordinary circumstances, the prosecutor decided not to have the officer testify and to tell the jurors that the officer changed his story
Nice, polite way to say "The officer lied and we don't want him facing purjury charges", isn't it?

And this. When departments and prosecutors go out of their way to prevent crooks with badges from facing the consequences of what they do, why should people trust them?

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