Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tam started with a slightly off-angle reaction

to this story, so of course I had to go read it. Short version, girl hiking in woods attacked by a pack of tricksters, and died about twelve hours later. Nasty way to go, sad story. Until I got to this:
"We take a calculated risk when spending time in nature's fold -- it's the wildlife's terrain," Emily Mitchell's statement continued. "When the decision had been made to kill the pack of coyotes, I clearly heard Taylor's voice say, 'please don't, this is their space.' She wouldn't have wanted their demise, especially as a result of her own. She was passionate about animals, was an environmentalist, and was also planning to volunteer at the Toronto Wildlife Centre in the coming months."
Oh, for (your favorite bleep's) sake. Lady, maybe you and your daughter wouldn't want the critters whacked; I doubt many other people would agree, especially those with kids. Especially when, if they've done it once, they'll do it again.

That's one of the idiocies that bothers me when a bear or a cougar or whatever eats someone and the immediate cry of the Bambiists is heard: "They were here first! It's their world!! It's our fault for being in the woods!" So many of these clowns have decided that it's perfectly acceptable for the carnivores to eat other people, and if you disagree you become The Hatemonger Bigoted Speciest Destroyer of Mother Earth. On a pogo stick. With herpes.

Screw you people. I like humans being on the top of the predator pyramid. Jeez. I wonder if she'd be willing to lecture some parents, after the pack eats their kid, about how "After all, it's the coyote's space, and you can volunteer at the nature center in memory of your child."

1 comment:

  1. The people who say "it's their world" are the same ones who believe we evolved from chimps right?

    So doesn't that make it as much our world as the other animals?

    I'm always confused by that issue. If something is evolving, learning to attack and eat humans...should us evolved humans eliminate that threat?


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