Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm wondering when the various administration lackeys

are going to wind up facing a question in court: "You have no authority under the Constitution to do this, so why should we listen to a word you say? Let alone follow your orders?"

Yes, I realize an awful lot of Obama buttmonkeys have little to no regard for that document that a good many of them have sword to uphold and defend(tells us what their word is worth, doesn't it?). I also realize that a lot of these companies, for various reasons, don't want the noise of actually challenging the administration on this. But sooner or later somebody will, loudly(I'm aware of the challenge on Obama's trashing of contract law, but there should be- I hope will be- more challenges).

Know what'd be funny as hell? Some company holding a press conference to say exactly that: "The Pay Czar(or whichever weenie) has ordered us to do X. However, we find no authority in law for them to give such orders, so we're not going to do it. If they want to force us, they're going to have to go to court and show where they have the legal authority to do so, and we will fight it." Can you imagine the noise from various heads exploding?

1 comment:

  1. "Yes, I realize an awful lot of Obama buttmonkeys have little to no regard for that document..."

    No one in D.C. does. Why do you think they locked it away in a vault. The thing is like kryptonite to the current crop of statist idiots from both parties.


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