Friday, October 09, 2009

I'll repeat: you could not pay me enough to live

in the People's Republic of Massachusetts:
This is the infamous S. 2028 “Pandemic Response Bill,” which gives the governor the power to declare a health emergency—without any guidelines or challenge—which then unleashes a level of police powers very close to martial law. All this, according to its author Sen. Moore, over the flu. (bold mine)

As the Gate House News Service reports:

Senate Bill 2028 says that anyone who refuses to get a vaccination recommended by public health officials may be quarantined.

It also allows arrest without a warrant or entry into any house or building without a warrant if an officer has probable cause to believe there is a violation of a quarantine.

The bill itself says “Any person who knowingly violates an order for isolation or quarantine shall be punished by imprisonment of not more than 30 days and may be subject to a civil fine of not more than $1,000 per day that the violation continues.”

Arrest without a warrant? Entry without a warrant? For this? No wonder the commissars of the PROM don't want citizens to have arms.

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