Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Geez, the crap out there

The Senate is having a vote on their "We'll let you know 'bout part of it' socialized medicine bill today.

Massachusetts has decided to go at rationing health care. On the scheme that, last I heard Mitt Romney still defends. Just about guarantee he'll try for the Presidency again, and we should ram this down his throat. Or up his ass. Or whatever will get the attention of these morons, those both in and out of the Stupid Party.

A bunch of French politicians are defending their Culture Minister for his book about buying sex with boys. Which was brought up because the Culture Minister is defending the child rapist Polanski.
Melenchon told Europe 1 on Sunday that the continuing attacks on Mitterrand were "unacceptable" and criticized those who would "cast stones" at the minister.
Well, Melenchon, screw you; I don't care if you think it's acceptable or not. Especially when we read things like
In the television interview, Mitterrand described the book as "not totally autobiographical" and was evasive about the precise nature of his experiences in Thailand.

Governor Arnold just told honest gun owners in the People's Republic of California "Screw you".

Sondra points to some weapons-grade feminazi idiocy. Or insanity. Or something.

The Oklahoma City PD is buying a new vehicle:
Oklahoma City police figure it's time to replace the 1980 Peacekeeper armoed vehicle they've used for decades. Department leaders are asking the city council for approval to buy a Lenco BearCat (http://www.swattrucks.com/products.htm) that is a bulletproof vehicle capable of carrying a dozen officers.

The estimated cost, according to city documents is $279,437 and the Police department will use Asset Forefeiture money. In order words, money from cars and other items seized during drug raids will help finance the purchase.
The Lenco BearCat will be equipped with a thermal imaging camera system to locate persons during the dark
I wonder if they ever actually used the previous armored vehicle for anything except parades or demonstrations? I may ask.

Ok, I just looked at one of the posts linked to in Thompsons piece on the nutcase-level feminists; the comments are at least as bad as the post itself. And yeah, Margaret, you ARE batshit crazy.

Harry has some pictures to illustrate the writings of a moron who thinks East Germany under the communists was just a wonderful, wonderful place. From the comments:
"having little heavy industry and few mineral resources…From a country with few raw materials and an underdeveloped industry devastated by the second world war,

Not been to Chemnitz, Jena, Zwickau, Rostock or the coalfields or potash mines then. In fact, prior to WWII what became the GDR was, on average, more prosperous and industrialized than the West. Devastation there was, but the West got Marshall Aid to rebuild while Stalin forbade the East Germans from accepting it, while he moved all possible plant and equipment from the GDR to the Soviet Union as reparations."

Quote of the day

Well, capitalism did nothing for me… The system is not set up to help somebody from the working class make a movie like this and get the truth out there.

Michael Moore, filmmaker of working class origin. Estimated fortune: $50,000,000.

And it's raining. Again. Fair chance through tomorrow; no mowing today

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