Thursday, October 22, 2009

A couple of RINO betrayers, and Sen. Reid is a liar

No surprise on either, unfortunately.
President Obama has nominated the SEIU Purple Shirts’ associate general counsel, Craig Becker, to a slot on the National Labor Relations Board. Today, the Senate HELP Committee cleared him through on a 15-8 vote without a hearing. GOP Senators Mike Enzi (for whom Becker served as a labor counsel) and Lisa Murkowski voted with the Democrats.

As to Reid,
“I was stunned when I was told by his cosponsor Sen. Stabenow after we introduced this legislation that [Kyl] couldn’t support it. Even though he is a cosponsor he couldn’t support the legislation,” Reid said, making reference to Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.), the lead sponsor of the 10-year doctor payment fix.

Kyl did not cosponsor the 10-year fix. Last year and in 2005 he cosponsored a measure that would have implemented a two-year freeze on the cuts to Medicare payments to doctors
So either Reid's memory is that faulty, or he's a liar; I have to go with the latter.

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