Friday, October 16, 2009

A bit more on Anita Dunn, Obama's Mao-loving

communications director:
Earlier this week, I spotlighted White House interim communications director and chief Fox-basher Anita Dunn’s career-long commitment to flacking for one of the Beltway’s most entrenched and crooked creatures, Tom Daschle.

I also noted that Dunn is married to Obama thug lawyer Robert Bauer, who tried valiantly to get the DOJ to prosecute conservative critics and punish TV stations for running an ad critical of Obama’s relationship with Weather Underground Bill Ayers.
More: Squier, Knapp, and Dunn — Dunn’s p.r. firm — has clients including:

*SEIU-Local 1199
*Ceres-Far Left environmentalists “for sustainable prosperity”
*American Rights at Work-Big Labor outfit chaired by David Bonior

AND worked for Blagojevich, AND... go read it all

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