Sunday, October 11, 2009

ACORN may be out of the census(officially; do you trust it?)

but take a look at some of the other groups still involved:
A. Phillip Randolph Institute
American Federation of Government Employees
American Federation of Teachers
Coalition of Labor Union Women
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists
Community Action Partnership
Families USA
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Labor Council for the Latin American Advancement
League of Women Voters of the United States
National Black Justice Coalition
National Council of La Raza
National Education Association
Pride at Work
Rainbow Push Coalition
Service Employees International Union
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
United Workers

La Raza is a flat-out racist organization; if I remember correctly the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement wants amnesty for all illegals and an open border; SEIU has shown what a crooked group it is; and any organization with 'social justice' in the name is automatically suspect, as that tends to mean "The government will give you what of your earnings it thinks you need, and distribute the rest to those more needy."

Just wonderful, isn't it?

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