Sunday, September 27, 2009

Well, maybe this is why Brazil is sucking up to Chavez

Take this:
Iran is helping to detect uranium deposits in Venezuela and initial evaluations suggest reserves are significant, President Hugo Chavez’s government said Friday.
and cross it with this:
To top that off, Brazil’s vice president and former defense minister, Jose Alencar, told journalists that “we have to advance on” developing nukes “as an instrument of deterrence” because of Brazil’s massive western border and oil-rich territorial sea.

Yeah. Brazil 'needs nukes' to protect their oil...

FROM WHO, you fucking morons?

And President HopeyChangeyPants can't deal with the commander in Afghanistan's request for more troops right now because
...the Obama administration took official custody today of the report that requests a significant troop increase for the Af-Pak theater. However, Barack Obama will not officially get to see it for a while. The Pentagon says they will hold his request, officially, until Obama officially makes an official decision about the officially official policy he wants to officially pursue in the war:
Which means he wants to see if he can find a way to surrender and run to make his lefty allies happy without everyone else looking at either impeachment or hanging. This from a bastard who spent how long lecturing that 'Afghanistan is the real war, the right war, and I will fight to win it!'* Of course, now he IS the President and won't be allowed to vote 'Present' on it. He'll be held responsible, and he don't like that, do he? And he's so busy telling us how he's "...not interested in victory", probably because both he's not(asshole) and trying to set things up so if he does pop out with a cut & run strategy, he can claim it's part of a 'more worldly strategy' or some similar bullshit.

Hey, Mr. President, you going to give Brazil a stern look over this?

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