Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Well, it started not long after 9/11, when networks refused

to show a lot of the stills and video of people falling/jumping from the Towers because 'it would be too disturbing'; now we've got the President & Co. trying to hijack the day entirely. Because it's a crisis they want to make use of in their own special way.
...The effort last year to make 9/11 "A Day of Service" was the first time it actually struck me as truly likely that the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on American soil was soon to be whitewashed.

The "Day of Service" is not offensive in and of itself. This was not actually conceived by Obama. A non-profit organization called My Good Deed began organizing 9/11 as a day of national service and remembrance back in 2001. In April of this year, Obama signed legislation to formally recognize it at such.

Where this all gets dicey is detailed in this report by The Foundry. The Organizing for America site has now scrubbed the post which outlined the actions suggested for 9/11. In short, they are hijacking the day as one to lobby for Obamacare. They "sent out a notice to its 'grassroots' supporters. It asked them to wage a coordinated phone campaign for health care by calling their U.S. Senators on September 11 – also known as Patriot Day in honor of the thousands of Americans killed by Al Qaeda terrorists eight years ago...". The Foundry has the screenshot of the post in question which has now been taken down

Part of Obama's continual campaign, with most of the media either unwilling or scared to criticize him and his apostles for anything.
As if turning 9/11 into a Day to Lobby for Health Care isn't enough, there's more. As The Foundry points out, their rhetoric is simply incredible. The Organizing for America post says, “All 50 States are coordinating in this – as we fight back against our own Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists who are subverting the American Democratic Process, whipped to a frenzy by their Fox Propaganda Network ceaselessly re-seizing power for their treacherous leaders.”
This is the kind of language we hear from Chavez, from Castro, from leftist dictators and wannabes; as much as trying to change 9/11 to suit their purposes is vile, this language is equally so; that it's on a site that the White House has say over is disgusting.

And it's what we can expect more of from Obama.

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