Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two points: one, the Democrats on the committee don't want you to see the bill

before they try to ram it through. I like this part, too:
Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., complained that he and others were never part of the deal with the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and were under no obligation to protect drug makers from further costs.
Well, Chuckie, you'll have to talk to President HopeyChangeypants about that; he's the one who did that deal, as I recall.

Second, this is how the President's Energy Secretary thinks of you:
This week, prepping for the upcoming Copenhagen climate change talks, Dr. Steven Chu, our erstwhile Energy secretary, crystallized the administration's underlying thinking by claiming that the "American public . . . just like your teenage kids, aren't acting in a way that they should act. The American public has to really understand in their core how important this issue is."
Oh, we have a pretty good idea of how 'important' this issue is. To you and the other power-grabbing enviroweenies. And we're finding out just how important it is to stop you.
Remember when George W. Bush's chief of staff, Andrew Card, claimed that the president saw the American people "as we think about a 10-year- old child"? His comment, understandably, caused much mockery and disdain.

The problem, apparently, wasn't the paternalist sentiment — it was the parent offering it. What we needed was a brainy, grown-up administration to harangue and regulate us into submission

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