Friday, September 04, 2009

So Van Jones advises Obama, is a 9/11 truther AND

defends the man who murdered a police officer.
Jarrett’s praise for Jones’s Oakland activism is explicit endorsement of his race-baiting career at Ella Baker, funded by the Soros-supported Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights/Ford Foundation/Rockefeller Foundation, and his Free Mumia agitation in the Bay Area schools — where he lambasted moderate civil rights leaders for objecting to politicizing the classrooms and where his pro-Mumia allies likened supporters of murdered police officer Daniel Faulkner to the KKK.

Friend of a friend a few days back said of Obama "He's only been in a few months, we need to give him some time." When he's surrounding himself with scum like this on top of his other actions, I think he's had too much time already.

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