Monday, September 14, 2009

The simplest way to put this is "Senate Democrats want more people to die,

so they're trying to screw anybody who develops medical tech."
As we have long predicted on this blog, the health care "reformers" propose to finance at least part of the "savings" or new benefits -- it is impossible to know which -- by decreasing the rate of return on medical technology. There are many ways in which this might be done, but the Senate Democrats are proposing to do so directly, by levying a "value added tax" on medical device companies according to their proportion of U.S. sales. This tax would be without regard to profitability, so it would amount to a capital tax on start-ups and a massive income tax surcharge on profitable companies, varying as net margins do. In the case of my own mid-sized company, the tax would be the equivalent of a roughly 20% surcharge on our net income (in all likelihood raising our economic tax rate well above 50%) or 50% of our research and development budget, depending on how you want to look at it.

So tha clown Baucus(Evil Party-MT and Montana, what are you saying to this clown?) thinks it's wonderful to have a health care takeover bill that includes fining you if you don't buy insurance like they tell you, AND wants to do this? And we're supposed to be thankful for this crap? Because it means they're 'taking care of us, for our own good' or some such bullcrap?

Any way you look at it, the proposed tax is a calculated effort to divert capital from the medical technology industry to other uses in the economy, because new medical technology drives costs that are now going to be assumed by the government (or at least will be if the Senate leadership gets its way). Of course, innovative medtech also extends and saves lives, and makes them more comfortable and more productive. Which is, after all, the point of medicine.

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