Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Several things to point to

An interesting thought:
Today's "liberal" is a product of Sixties leftism. Such a person's psychology is always outward: other people must be changed. As a conservative, my focus is inward: I understand that the highest expression I can give the Golden Rule is by strengthening my character. How many "liberals" do you know who are comfortable with the words honor, character, integrity, innocence, modesty? You know they despise those words. What you need to do is ask yourself why do they despise those words? When you know the answer to that question you'll have insight into the mental illness they suffer.

Will the Obama Administration implode in the near future?
Never has an administration had more political firepower at their disposal yet been set to so totally fail in the next six to eight weeks. It is nearly a foregone conclusion. It is nearly unavoidable. And it defies all logic given the sizable majority the administration has in both houses of Congress.

Since I was the first pundit to predict Obama's presidency (back in December 2006) it behooves me to tell you the course I believe the next few weeks will take. Just think, it was only a few months ago that the left looked unstoppable in bringing about their plan to radicalize, nationalize, and federalize America

Things learned in the Obama era
4) The Good Life. Obama vacations in Martha’s Vineyard, Bush in Crawford Texas. Nancy Pelosi wants twice the private jet that the prior Denny Hassert enjoyed. Edwards’s two nations really mean his mansion and those down the road. The really tony environmentalist pundits and activists think slapping on some solar panels on a five-car garage, or putting up a windmill out in front of the gazebo, is an “offset.”

I used to think that the elite left’s obsession with the good life was an amusing act of hypocrisy (gone are the Democrat’s Harry Trumans), but lately it seems far more interesting and complicated. It is almost a personality quirk: the more one desires to have private jets, influential friends, the status that comes with the right location, right schools, and the right job, the more likely one is to mouth the “correct” ideology. Elite liberalism, as we see with the Obamas and their cohorts (and with the Clinton clique as well), is no contradiction. If anything, privilege is the proper compensation for being “good” and “right” on things


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