Friday, September 04, 2009

"One more time for the slow and stupid, i.e. the media –

this is about a president presuming to speak directly to our children without our permission. It’s not so much about the message, it’s the presumption. To me that’s a presumption which he has no right to make.
As this was originally planned, although it appears some school districts are now going to provide an alternate activity for those who object, this was to be a captive audience forced to watch the message. Many parents, not just conservative parents, understand the ability for something like this to be abused. Again, it’s not so much about the message as it is about the precedent.

Lastly, many of the objections haven’t been focused on the speech but the fact that this is an organized event with a lesson plan that, until the outcry, had some portions where were obviously political. And that’s the opinion of more than just conservatives (the White House dropped some of those more obvious portions from the lesson plan).

So to boil it down so even the media can figure it out – it isn’t just conservatives objecting to this. More importantly, it’s about the 3 “p’s” – presumption, precedent and politics


  1. So where was your outrage when Bush did this - your son watched it in high school and he snoozed through it,he said when I asked him about it. I doubt he even remembers it now. That's the way it will be with most kids.

    You do remember what it was like when you were in school and had to watch some president or other's taped speech? How much of those do you remember now? Kids are going to remember the fuss more than the actual speech.

    I wonder how many will nap or write notes or daydream about the cute guy/girl three seats up?

  2. My upset was in the same place. I'll state that it's worse now, for the reasons in the quote:
    "Lastly, many of the objections haven’t been focused on the speech but the fact that this is an organized event with a lesson plan that, until the outcry, had some portions where were obviously political. And that’s the opinion of more than just conservatives (the White House dropped some of those more obvious portions from the lesson plan)."
    Obama & Co. have made it quite plain that they like to try to use kids to push toward their goals, and I don't like it.
