Friday, September 18, 2009

General Electric: "We can get along with the new Stalin

just fine!"
Shortly after the pullback on the shield programme was announced, Russia's government said Prime Minister Vladimir Putin would meet several U.S. executives on Friday from firms including General Electric, Morgan Stanley as well as TPG, one of the world's largest private equity firms

General Electric may be the company with the closest ties to the Obama administration (if not, GE is second only to Goldman Sachs), and here we see the company benefiting from an abrupt foreign policy change made by President Obama. But GE isn't the only company benefiting. Reuters paints the broader picture:

The article also notes GE CEO Jeff Immelt sits on Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board, and GE owns MSNBC, the network famously friendly to Obama.

Add this to some of the other crap GE is/has been involved in, maybe we should all stop buying GE products and send them a letter telling them why?

Damn, I just tried to bring up the GE contact information, and it keeps timing out; I wonder if people are telling them things...

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