Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Remember, the enemy we're not supposed to call 'terrorists' consider 'man-caused disasters' like this a triumph.

But President Obama & Co. say we can't call them terrorists...


  1. Windy Wilson9:36 AM

    Maybe instead of terrorists we can call them "the groups President Obama is afraid to call by name."

  2. What, they're turning into he-who-must-not-be-named AKA Voldemort from Harry Potter???

  3. There is more to this atrocity than was ever published by the MSM. See links under 'Beslan - Child rape, torture and ritual murder' at The Religion of Peace™ Subject Index

  4. Keith5:25 AM

    I will watch developments on this with interest:

    Politicians of all persuasions usually love terrorists as a way of maintaining the constant state of alarm and fear (mencken & report from iron mountain are the best descriptions of how it is done).

    If the Obarmenshe is minimising the use of the name terrorist, it must mean that he has another trick to use instead.

    Either that, or else he is a complete idjot...which I seriously doubt.


  5. The way he's been basically kissing the ass of muslim countries and screwing with Israel, it's enough to make you wonder if there's something to the 'muslim in disguise' theory.
