Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bailed out banks using taxpayer money to support ACORN

Now we discover that some banks that received TARP money have been funneling major dollars to this criminal empire.

Jamie Dimon has been described as “Obama’s favorite banker” by the New York Times. He’s ACORN’s favorite banker, too, and with good reason. Mr. Dimon is the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, which operates a charitable foundation that gave ACORN $1 million in 2007, along with a smaller grant to the ACORN Institute. Beyond the charitable grants, ACORN and its affiliates have long profited from their “partnerships” with the big banks, taking a cut of subprime loans marketed to low-income borrowers in poor neighborhoods.

However, JPMorgan Chase isn’t the only big offender here. According to Peter Flaherty — president of the National Legal and Policy Center, which is tracking corporate America’s underwriting of the Left — other big ACORN benefactors include such TARPalicious names as Bank of America and Citigroup. Taxpayers bail out the banks, the banks fund ACORN, and ACORN dispenses advice on human trafficking and tax evasion to aspiring pimps and hookers. Not America’s proudest moment

And Dimon?
Dimon, of course, is no white-shoe East Coast banker. He’s a Chicago Democrat, deeply plugged in to Obama’s machine — he was said to be Obama’s choice for secretary of the Treasury until advisers convinced the president to go with Tim Geithner — and so it’s no surprise to find his company shunting money ACORN’s way. And where there are Chicago Democrats and a whiff of corruption, can the name Daley be far away? Bill Daley, brother of Chicago mayor Richard Daley and son of Boss Daley, runs JPMorgan Chase’s charitable foundation and also is in charge of the bank’s “corporate social responsibility” office. While it would be unfair to visit the sins of the father (and the brother, and the rest of the Chicago machine) upon the son, Daley is not the first name that comes to mind when one thinks of “social responsibility.” Even leaving aside his family connections, Mr. Daley represents precisely the overlap of Wall Street, Democratic machine politics, and ACORN that ought to give sober observers pause.

Yeah, all that money really went to good causes, didn't it? And Sen. Reid & Co. really, really don't want to have a full investigation. Only good thing is, with all this coming out they may have no choice.

On the other hand, Pelosi still hasn't actually done anyhing about Rangel.

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