Wednesday, September 02, 2009

And yes, Obama knew about the Lockerbie Bombers release; a long time ago

and now,
The Scottish government told FOX News Tuesday that the U.S. government refuses to allow them to release details of any communication between Scotland and the U.S. over al-Megrahi's release.

A source with the Scottish government, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the demand was made in a letter sent Tuesday from U.S. Embassy Chief of Mission Richard LeBaron
The Obama Administration: kissing up to socialists, dictators and muslim terrorists worldwide.
Now we know that the Obama Administration knew about the release of Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi months before he was freed. The Boston Globe reported that there were discussions between Attorney General Eric Holder and his Scottish counterpart back in June.

So, assuming Pres. B. Hussein Cartman Obama was speaking the truth about being 'bothered' by the welcome given to the mass-murderer, he was troubled because it looked bad instead of, say, because it was wrong.

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