Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Take part in this federal program,

your computer becomes "Property of the U.S. government". As Tam says, Seriously, Cletus, how did you think people were going to react when they read that? The funny part is how this is being treated in the media. Or not treated, actually. Can you imagine if this had happened while Ashcroft was AG? zomg you'd be able to hear the howls of the Kossacks across half of cyberspace...


  1. Windy Wilson2:22 PM

    Well, Ashcroft may not have thought of it while he was AG, but it was the result of secret meetings between Ashcroft and the current AG in the Bipartisan homeland security upgrade action of last year.


  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Damn, they've got the corner market on bullshit.
