Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Snowflakes in Hell posted on helping political opponents to Bloomberg's

gun-ban group members, which caused me to check Oklahoma; according to the site, the only mayor in Oklahoma who's a member is the mayor of Tulsa, Kathy Taylor. I don't know if that means all the other mayors in the state are smart enough not to get involved with these nanny-state clowns, or just not brave enough to be open about supporting the gun ban people.


  1. Anonymous11:33 AM


    Home of the Best gunshow in the country.

    You Tulsan's know what you have to do.


  2. Titan Mk6B6:02 AM

    Sometimes Kathy just ain't too bright. She is not running again anyway. It's not that she is a bad person, just somewhat misguided.
    From the crop of candidates running I think we might actually get a good mayor this time.
