Tuesday, August 18, 2009

And the Obama Snitch Program isn't actually gone,

it's moved. And expanded:
Suggesting New Topics for Us to Address Through the Reality Check Site

The Reality Check website exists to inform public debate about health insurance reform – not stifle it. As the President said, “We are bound to disagree, but let’s disagree over issues that are real.” To that end, we’ve seen incredible response from website visitors who are using the tools provided on the site to share videos and other content with friends and family.

To better understand what new misinformation is bubbling up online or in other venues, we want your suggestions about topics to address through the Reality Check site. To consolidate the process, the email address set up last week for this same purpose is now closed and all feedback should be sent through: http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck/contact

Seems to be the standard for the Obama administration: lie, change, lie about it, go after anyone who disagrees.

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